Who are we ?

Advancing Respiratory Treatment and Care

The genesis of Ivanae

The IVANAE project was born nearly 6 years ago within LATIM, a research laboratory specializing in the processing of medical information and the advancement of 3D imaging in healthcare. LATIM operates as a collaborative unit, jointly affiliated with INSERM, IMT Atlantique, UBO, and the Brest University Hospital (CHRU), pooling their expertise in pursuit of innovative solutions.

LATIM took the lead in coordinating the Physicancer project, supported by Inserm and INCa. The project aimed to validate the use of 3D cameras for surface imaging in radiotherapy, enabling the detection of patient movements. Building upon this success, collaborations were forged with industry giants Siemens and VARIAN, securing additional funding.

Recognizing the potential of the technology, SATT Ouest Valorisation invested in the project to enhance its technological and economic maturity. During the maturation process, a breakthrough emerged leading to the development of a novel application for non-invasive monitoring of lung volumes in intensive care patients.

The proof-of-concept for both applications was established during the thesis work of Souha Nazir and further solidified through the maturation programs.

Stages of development


Un pré-prototype est mis à disposition dans le service de réanimation médical au CHU de Brest depuis fin 2017. Celui-ci a permis le suivi de 60 patients (dont 20 patients COVID).


Dispositif en cours de développement

conception mécanique

Certification (marquage CE)


Initial release for early adopters for valuable user feedback and validation before further iterations and enhancements


Certification (CE marking)

French Market entry


European market entry

FDA approval


International market entry
expanding the product into international markets

Our partners

A new partnership has been established with the medical intensive care unit at CHU Poitiers for a pilot clinical study

logo CHRU
logo bpi france
logo technopôle brest iroise
Logo IMT Atlantique
logo-inserm 4
Logo Fondation Les mousquetaires
Logo Emergys Bretagne
Logo Banque populaire grand ouest
logo Latim brest

Our team

A team of specialists in the field of innovation and medicine

Erwan L’HER


Critical care specialist and Head of the Intensive Care Medicine and Resuscitation Department at Brest hospital. He is also a dedicated researcher at the INSERM Unit of LATIM (UMR 1101), focusing on the evaluation and development of innovative biomedical devices.

With extensive knowledge of medical requirements and insights into the industrial market, Erwan possesses valuable expertise in commercial strategy and a well-established professional network of physicians and scientists that contribute significantly to the project’s success. With a decade of experience in the field of biomedical device development and clinical research, he has been leading the Health Simulation Center (CESIM) at the University of Western Brittany (UBO) since 2009. CESIM is a state-of-the-art laboratory that enables the thorough evaluation of biomedical devices under realistic usage conditions. Beyond his impressive scientific and clinical contributions, Erwan has demonstrated remarkable leadership and entrepreneurial skills. In 2009, he co-founded Oxynov alongside Professor François Lellouche, establishing a thriving enterprise that has contributed significantly to the advancement of healthcare technologies.


Head of Intensive Care and Resuscitation Medicine department – Brest Hospital- since 2016

Associate Researcher – FRSQ Accredited Research Center at CHAU de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis and Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus, Quebec, Canada – Since January 2010

Head of Emergency Department – Brest and Carhaix Hospitals – 2010 to 2015

Assistant Professor – Department of Family Medicine and Emergency Medicine – Laval University – Quebec, Canada – January 2009 to January 2010

Director of the Center for Simulation in Health Sciences (CESIM) – Faculty of Medicine Brest – Since 2010

Professor – Subsection 48.2 « Medical Resuscitation » – University of Bretagne – 2005 – specialization in « Emergency Medicine »

Head of the « Adult Medical Consultations » and « Short-Term Hospitalization Unit » functional units – Emergency Department – Brest Hospital – 1998 to August 2008

Lecturer– UBO – 1998 to 2005

Hospital Practitioner in Emergency Medicine  – CHU Brest – since 1998


Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches – UBO – 2005

Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology and Health Sciences – University of Western Brittany – 2002.

Advanced Specialized Diploma in Medical Intensive Care – Inter-regional West – 1997.

Master’s Degree – UBO – 1997

Doctor of Medicine – University of Nantes – 1995

Specialized Studies Diploma in Pulmonology – University of Nantes – 1995.

Diplôme d’Etudes Spécialisées en Pneumologie – Université de Nantes – 1995


Executive director

Ph.D. in medical information and image processing from UBO (LaTIM, Brest). Souha developed Ivanae technology during her doctoral research. With 6 years of experience in the field of 3D imaging technologies in healthcare, she possesses strong technical skills in software development, as well as expertise in research and development and entrepreneurial endeavors through specialized entrepreneurship training programs.

Following the completion of her doctoral studies, she worked as a maturation engineer, focusing on software development management to ensure the successful implementation of market-driven functionalities. In recognition of her contributions, she was honored with two prestigious awards in 2021: the « Coup de Pouce » award from the Le Roch Les Mousquetaires Foundation and the « Territoire Recherche » award from BPGO (Banque Populaire Grand Ouest).


Postdoctoral Fellowship – LaTIM – UBO – October 2020 to April 2022

Maturation engineer – LaTIM – SATT – February 2019 to September 2020

Doctoral reaserach – LaTIM – UBO – October 2015 to December 2018

Lecturer – UBO – 2016 to 2018

Research engineer – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (LCNRS), Lebanon – December 2014 to June 2015



PhD in medical image processing – UBO – 2018

Master’s Degree in Instrumentation and Industrial Computing – Lebanese University, Lebanon – 2014



As the Director of LaTIM, the research laboratory where the project was developed, and the scientific director overseeing the advancements in patient surface imaging since 2011, he has played a pivotal role in the project’s maturation. His outstanding contributions and influential presence in the field of medical sciences have been recognized through several prestigious awards, including the IEEE NPSS Richard F Shea Award in 2019, the IEEE Technical Achievement Award in 2020, and the SNMMI EJ Hoffmann Award in 2020.
Furthermore, he has a remarkable track record in establishing the first multimodal imaging center in England at University College London Hospital in 1998. With his exceptional leadership, he has successfully secured over €15 million in both public and private funding for his research projects over the past decade.


Director of LaTIM – since 2020

Director of ACTION (ACtion Thérapeutique guidée par l’Imagerie multimodale en Oncologie) team – LaTIM – 2017

Editor in Chief – IEEE Transactions in Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences since 2016

CoDirector of LaTIM – since 2016

Director of research with the National Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (INSERM) – since 2016

Research and Development Consultant – Clinical Research Department, Brest Hospital

Professeur invité – Universités – Sous Section 48.2 “Réanimation Médicale” – Université de Bretagne

Vice-president International – Institute of Physics in Engineering and Medicine IPEM, UK – from 2013 to 2016


Habilitation de diriger la recherche – UBO – 2009

PhD in development of a Unique Whole Body BaF2-TMAE PET camera for Oncology – Institute of Cancer Research, Royal Marsden NHS Trust, UK – 1996

Master’s degree in Medical Radiation Physics – Université de Londres, UK – 1992